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Outdoor Workout

Body Release consists of a series of techniques based on Thai and other therapeutic massage systems.

The body is designed to have fluid motion through the joints. Body release focuses on the areas of persistent tension which lead to jamming of the joints; these areas require deeper work to enable them to let go of what can often be years and years of tension. Areas of deep tension may have been identified through previous assessment (Muscle Testing within KORE Therapy), in other cases clients will simply know that they feel tight.

Body release is not a massage routine, it is a series of techniques that can be applied to the body alone or in conjunction with other techniques.

Focus is on the arms and hands, stretching, massaging and releasing tension in the upper arm, forearm and digits.

The fronts of the legs are then worked encouraging movement of blood and lymph through the Quadriceps muscles in preparation for stretching.

The lower limb and foot are areas of considerable tension, which receive little attention in Western sciences.  Body release utilises Thai Foot Massage to encourage the foundation of walking to free up.

Techniques will be applied to the back and neck releasing the scapula, shoulder and vertebra. Deep massage, mobilisation and stretching are used in this section. Finally the leg stretches will be performed.

Treatments can be structured to the client's needs and can take between 30 and 60 minutes.

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